The Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) consistently ranks among the 10 largest public pension funds in the U.S. Participants include current and former employees of Wisconsin’s state agencies and most local governments other than the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.
Investing WRS assets is the responsibility of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB). Individual accounts and benefits under the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) are managed by the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF).
Contributions made to the WRS by employees and their employers are invested by the Investment Board. The accumulated funds in the retirement system trusts are used to pay retirement benefits.
The WRS has two funds: the Core Fund, a fully diversified fund, and the Variable Fund, an all-stock fund.
Additional Resources
Our Wisconsin Retirement System: Strong for Wisconsin
Wisconsinites should be proud to have a strong public pension system - one of the best funded in the country. Click here to learn more about the WRS and why it is strong for Wisconsin. (Published by ETF.)
WRS News
Published in January, May and September by the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) and SWIB, the WRS News informs Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) members about benefit programs and trust fund investment news. Click here to access current and past issues of the WRS News.
SWIB's publications provide helpful information about SWIB and the investment of the trust funds. Click here to access current and past publications.
Study of the Wisconsin Retirement System
A study of the WRS was submitted by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the ETF, and the Office of State Employment Relations in accordance with 2011 Wisconsin Act 32. Click here to read the study.
Comparative Study of Major Public Employee Retirement Systems
This study compares significant features of major state and local public employee retirement systems in the United States. Generally, the report has been prepared every two years since 1982 by the Wisconsin Retirement Research Committee staff or the Legislative Council staff. Click here for the latest study.
Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau Informational Paper on WRS
This paper takes an in-depth look at the WRS. Click here to read the informational paper.
ETF Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
ETF publishes a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to provide information about ETF, the WRS, and other benefit plans and trust funds administered by ETF. Click here for more information.