State Investment Fund
The State Investment Fund (SIF) is a pool of cash balances of various state and local governmental units created by the State under section 25.14 of the statutes. It includes retirement trust funds cash balances pending longer-term investment and is the State's cash management fund. By pooling idle cash balances of all state funds, it provides the State's general fund and 47 participating state agencies with the needed liquidity for operating expenses.
Over 1,000 local units of government also deposit revenues in the SIF until they are needed. These funds are referred to as the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). The Wisconsin Department of Administration administers the accounts of LGIP members and additional information, including rates, are available from DOA's LGIP home page.
The objectives of the Fund are to provide liquidity, safety of principal and competitive rates of return. The Fund is invested primarily in obligations of the U.S. government and its agencies, and high quality commercial bank and corporate debt obligations.