Public Records
The information provided on this page is posted pursuant to s. 19.34(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes to provide the public with procedures to access State of Wisconsin Investment Board records.
Agency Description
The State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) is the state agency responsible for investing the assets of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), the State Investment Fund (SIF) and four separate funds established by the State. Investments are made pursuant to the purpose of each trust and the fiduciary standard set forth in Section 25.15(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. SWIB was created under section 15.76 of the Wisconsin State statutes and its statutory obligations are set forth in Chapter 25 of the statutes.
Each member of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Director/Chief Investment Officer, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Internal Audit Director, Chief Legal Counsel, and each Managing Director, Portfolio Manager and Managing Analyst at SWIB are considered state public officials for purposes of section 19.42 of Wisconsin Statutes.
Requesting Agency Records
SWIB’s Chief Legal Counsel and Senior Legal Counsels are SWIB’s legal custodians of SWIB’s records. E-mail is the is the preferred and most efficient way to submit public records requests, however requests can be made in any format.
Requests for access to public records should be directed to:
For Email: OpenRecordsRequests@swib.state.wi.us
In writing: Records Specialist
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
P.O. Box 7842
Madison, WI 53707-7842
By phone: 608-266-2381, please ask for the Records Specialist
Requests received after 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, will begin to be processed the next business day.
**Helpful tips:
When submitting a public records request, be sure to provide enough information so SWIB can efficiently process your request.
Make the request as specific as possible:
Requests should cover type of records you are seeking.
If not specific, requester may be contacted to clarify the scope of a request
Whenever possible include a date or date range.
Asking questions, which are not requests for records, is not covered under the public records law.
*Media Inquiries should be directed to INFO@swib.state.wi.us or to SWIB’s Director of Communications, Shannon Gannon at 608-266-9742*
Copying Fees:
SWIB may charge the actual, necessary, and direct cost of reproducing a record.
When the request calls for a copy of a record, and the record can be photocopied, SWIB may charge its standard fee of $.15 per printed page. SWIB may charge a $.07 per-page fee for converting paper records to electronic format. If records are provided on a CD or DVD, SWIB may charge $.14 per disc. When requested and whenever practicable, SWIB will provide electronic copies of records that already exist (2) in electronic format without charging reproduction fees on a per-page basis. However, if the record requested is not in a readily comprehensible form (e.g. computer file, database entry), SWIB may charge the actual cost of creating a readily comprehensible copy.
Locating Records:
As authorized by Wisconsin Statutes, requests for public records are subject to charging for the actual, necessary, and direct cost of locating responsive records where those costs exceed $50*. SWIB will review the request and contact you if a fee will be required to locate records responsive to your request.
*SWIB charges locating fees by using the lowest possible hourly rate for an employee with expertise on searching and compiling the requested records, including searching for e-mails. SWIB will not charge for the cost of reviewing records for possible redaction or removal of confidential information, in compliance with the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ruling in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel v. City of Milwaukee, 2012 WI 65, 341 Wis. 2d 607.
Additional Resources
OpenBook Wisconsin - OpenBook Wisconsin gives you easy access to State of Wisconsin expenditures, or the amount of money we spend to do business. There are more than 25 million entries showing the payments we have made for purchasing goods or services, travel, and vendor payments for state agencies, the legislature, the courts and the University of Wisconsin System dating back to 2008.